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Restore Yourself with Edy Greenblatt's Workshop at Books & Books

Edy Greenblatt, Ph.D.
and participate in her workshop
Restore Yourself!: The Antidote to Professional Exhaustion

Thursday, September 3, 8pm
Books & Books, Coral Gables

Presented in collaboration with the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce

The results of great organizational strategies and tactics often remain unrealized because committed employees lack the energy to do what they know they should do, day in and day out. This Restore Yourself Workshop™ provides the tools to help everyone recognize exactly which circumstances, interactions, and tasks drain their energy—and, what to do to remedy their chronic depletion and become reinvigorated.

Dr. Greenblatt explains in her compelling book, Restore Yourself! The Antidote to Professional Exhaustion, “Many people feel like unwilling participants trapped in a lose-lose game of overwork and fatigue. Some feel they’ve traded financial security and social comfort for chronic exhaustion. Others feel that they have unknowingly signed up to be a responsible, yet miserable worker- or manager-drone. There are also those who pretend that it is okay to exhaust yourself in the name of caring for others while ignoring the reality that if you collapse, everyone will lose.”

Throughout the workshop, Dr. Greenblatt exposes the common misconceptions about our energy levels, including the myths of work-life balance and the strategic use of Personal Resource Management. In this workshop, we confront the flawed belief that we do not have time to get the rest and restoration we need without quitting our jobs, getting a divorce or moving to Costa Rica.

Greenblatt helps participants diagnose precisely which work activities can be extremely energizing for them and the conditions under which non-work activities can be draining and definitely not restorative. At the end of this workshop you will know how to remain resilient in the face of common sneaky depleters, how to build strategic restoration into a work day, how to successfully diagnose and remedy resource losses as they occur. Each participant leaves with an action plan in hand to start making impactful changes immediately.

About the Author

Edy Greenblatt, Ph.D. is an author, entertainer, motivational speaker, executive coach, entrepreneur, management consultant and scholar. She is managing director of Execu-Care Coaching and Consulting and a senior consultant with Mobius Executive Leadership. Dr. Greenblatt earned her Ph.D. in the joint program in Organizational Behavior at Harvard University and Harvard Business School. She has worked with numerous Fortune 500 companies, entrepreneurial ventures, and individuals on leadership, team effectiveness, communications, women’s issues, performance improvement and executive coaching engagements worldwide. Edy currently lives on a sustainable organic farm in Sussex County, New Jersey. In her free time she still dances, flies on the trapeze, swims and sleeps.

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